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what are clear Aligners?
Do clear Aligners really work ?
Are clear aligners better than braces?

Clear Aligners, also known as teeth aligners, are superior to traditional metal braces due to their lack of side effects. Despite being equally effective in straightening teeth, clear aligners have the added advantage of being invisible and comfortable, as well as painless and removable.

can invisible aligners damage teeth?

Clear aligners exert a precise and gentle force on each tooth, ensuring that there is no risk of damage to your teeth or gums. As these aligners are manufactured using computer software, the amount of force applied can be carefully controlled, making the process risk-free. Overall, clear aligners are a safe and effective option for aligning teeth

What Are The Benefits Of Clear Aligners?

Teeth aligners offer various benefits, including being removable, comfortable, and nearly invisible. These features enable individuals to relish every aspect of life, making them a more appealing choice than traditional braces.

How Long Should You Wear Dental Aligners?

To achieve the desired outcome, it is essential to wear aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day. Invisible aligners, specifically, should only be taken out during meal times, when drinking, and for maintaining oral hygiene.

How Should You Clean Your Aligners?

To clean your aligners, you have two options. The first is to use a cleaning kit specifically designed for aligners. If you don't have a cleaning kit, you can still clean them effectively using a soft-bristled toothbrush and the toothpaste recommended by your orthodontist. Be gentle as you brush the aligners, and make sure to rinse them thoroughly with clean water afterwards

At What Age Can You Start Wearing Your Clear Aligner?

Clear aligners can be used by individuals of all ages, but it is important to note that patients must have all of their permanent teeth fully erupted before using them.

Do Clear Aligners Hurt?

Clear aligners are incredibly comfortable and can feel like a natural part of your body. This painless treatment is designed to minimize any discomfort during the straightening process. Additionally, hand-finished aligners are particularly gentle on both your teeth and gums, ensuring that the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Can You Eat With Clear Aligners?

With clear aligners, you can enjoy the freedom to eat whatever you like during your orthodontic treatment without any dietary restrictions. However, it's important to remember to always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything, as food particles and liquids can stain or damage them. Fortunately, because the aligners are removable, you can simply take them out and enjoy your meal or beverage, then put them back in when you're finished.

Can You Eat With Clear Aligners?

With clear aligners, you can enjoy the freedom to eat whatever you like during your orthodontic treatment without any dietary restrictions. However, it's important to remember to always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything, as food particles and liquids can stain or damage them. Fortunately, because the aligners are removable, you can simply take them out and enjoy your meal or beverage, then put them back in when you're finished.

Clear Aligners vs. Braces

What Is The Difference Between Clear Aligners And Metallic Braces?

Medical-grade clear plastic trays known as aligners are designed to be worn on the teeth. These trays are comfortable, flexible, and nearly invisible, making them an attractive option for those seeking orthodontic treatment. Unlike braces, which feature metal or ceramic brackets that are fixed onto teeth until alignment is achieved, aligners are removable and do not pose difficulties in terms of cleaning. In contrast, braces are noticeable, difficult to clean, and non-removable.

Do I Need To Visit The Dentist’s Clinic Often, Like In Case Of Braces?

Contrary to braces, aligners only necessitate a limited number of dental appointments, primarily to monitor the treatment progress and ensure the proper fit of the aligners. On the other hand, with braces, patients are required to make frequent visits to the dental clinic for wire tightening and other modifications.

Is There Any Chance Of Aligner Breakage Or Damage?

Clear aligners consist of a durable medical-grade plastic material, which significantly reduces the risk of breakage or damage if they are handled carefully and worn in accordance with the instructions provided by the dentist. In contrast, patients who opt for braces often find it challenging to maintain the metal wires and brackets involved in the treatment process

What Are The Food Restrictions While Wearing Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners can be easily removed, allowing you to enjoy any food or beverage of your choice without restrictions. However, it is important to remember to clean both your mouth and the aligners before putting them back in place.

What Are The Food Restrictions While Wearing Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners can be easily removed, allowing you to enjoy any food or beverage of your choice without restrictions. However, it is important to remember to clean both your mouth and the aligners before putting them back in place.

Do’s and Don’ts of Clear Aligner

I Start My Day With Tea/Coffee, Do I Need To Remove Aligners?

Both tea and coffee contain a significant amount of colour pigment. If you happen to be wearing aligners while drinking them, the pigment can transfer onto the aligner, causing it to become discoloured. It's advisable to remove your aligner while consuming these beverages to prevent such discoloration.

Can I Chew Gum While Wearing Aligners?

Orthodontists caution against chewing gum while wearing aligners, as it can easily become stuck and cause damage to the aligner. Therefore, it's best to avoid chewing gum altogether if you are wearing aligners.

Can I Drink Alcohol When Wearing My Aligners?

Alcoholic beverages are not recommended for consumption while wearing aligners, as they typically contain high amounts of sugar that can lead to discoloration of the aligners. It's important to prevent sugar from getting trapped between the aligners and teeth. The same holds true for other sugary drinks as well.

Can I Sleep Wearing Clear Aligners?

Certainly, it's perfectly fine to wear aligners while sleeping as they have ample time to work during this period. However, it's important to remember to clean both the aligners and your mouth upon waking up in the morning before reinserting the aligners.

Will Aligners Affect My Speech?

At the beginning of your aligner treatment, you may experience some discomfort or a slight lisp while speaking. However, as your mouth becomes accustomed to the aligners, it's unlikely to affect your speech any longer.

How Much Does Clear Aligner Treatment Cost?

Determining the cost of aligner treatment depends on the specific requirements of each individual case, and it's not possible to make a prediction without a consultation. The number of aligners needed to correct your teeth will influence the cost of the treatment. To learn about the exact cost of treatment for your case, it's best to consult with an orthodontist.

Can I Pay The Treatment Fee In Instalments?

We have flexible payment options, including instalments. Please contact your dentist to know the details.